Lose Weight With Right Food For Menopause

If two out of every three menopausal woman gains weight in and after menopause, what are the chances that you are going to be in the majority of that statistic? If you want to turn that around and be the one in three who does not gain menopausal weight, then eating the right food for menopause is going to be vital for you.

Food for menopause consists of healthy foods that will help your body balance itself. So many things are going out of balance, it’s no wonder that many women think their world is going crazy. A menopausal woman can gain weight without even changing her diet or her activity levels. That, in itself is depressing enough. Add nights sweats, heart disease and hot flashes to that mix and it’s a disaster waiting to happen. So, finding the right food for menopause is all about getting yourself back on track.

First, let’s discuss what is bad food for menopause. Anything that is made from white flour is definitely on the “no” list: cookies, muffins, cakes, pastries, pasta and breads. These should all be exchanged for whole grain products instead. Whole grain products are not only a much better choice of food for menopause, but they even taste better, in most people’s opinions.

Foods that have high sugar contents are also off the good food for menopause list. In fact, after years of eating high carb, low-fat diets, as many women have done, one’s insulin resistance has probably increased around the time of menopause. So keeping sugar to a minimum is necessary.

Food that make the good list are going to be better able to deliver the nutrients your body needs. Vegetables and lean (preferably not red) meats are high on the good food for menopause list.

Alter your veggie choices. Using their own color coding will help. Use this rule of thumb to make your good food for menopause choices:

Choose 3 cups a week of dark green veggies,
2 cups of orange veggies,
3 cups of beans and peas,
3 cups of the starchy veggies like potatoes and yams,
Plus around 6 or so more cups of other vegetables of your choice to round out the week.

Be careful with dairy products, as too much fat in your diet will sabotage any weight loss efforts, but don’t neglect them entirely. You need the calcium that dairy products provide. Opt for foods like yogurt and 1% milk. Soy milk would be an excellent replacement food for menopause, too.

Any fruit, of course, is a good food for menopause. Fresh, dried or as 100% juice (check the labels carefully) will give you all the necessary nutrients and vitamins you need. Try to replace soda pop and coffee with fruit juice as often as possible.

As food for menopause, a healthy balanced diet cannot be beat for delivering what your body needs in the way of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. You might even want to speak with a nutritionist about making good choices of food for menopause.

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Menopause weight solution.