Do You Need Menopause Weight Solution

The records indicate that 2 out of 3 women will put on 10 or 20 pounds during their menopausal “change of life.” Since so many women of menopausal years are looking for an answer to that problem, it should be obvious to you that you are not alone in searching for a menopause weight solution.

Menopause, when a woman no longer produces eggs and the menstrual cycles stop, is sometimes welcomed by women who found the whole process unnecessarily troublesome. But the time it takes to finally get through menopause makes the it seem to take forever. So many changes are going on and the body is in such a state of flux, that it almost becomes self-sabotaging. Gaining weight is only one of the myriad problems that occur during menopause.

The good news is that when you find and apply a successful menopause weight solution, the other problems, like hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings and the potential to develop some serious diseases, like diabetes and heart disease, goes away.

Your food intake is going to need scrutinizing, in order to improve it enough to make it useful as a menopause weight solution. Your doctor can refer you to a nutritionist, who can advise you on better food choices. Basically, you are going to have to stay away from sugary snacks and drinks, highly processed foods and foodstuffs made from white flour: bread, pasta, muffins, cookies, and the like.

Adding delicious and less processed foods, such as vegetables, to your diet, will not only help you break through with a strong menopause weight solution, it will also give your body a reason to stop stressing. When the body is not getting enough of what it needs, it starts to hang on tightly to what resources it does have—your fat. On top of that, when the body is stressed, it wants to make more new resources.

Put another way, prior to menopause, if you ate 2000 calories in a day, your body would burn 1400 of it and store 600. Now, as menopause hits, that system is reversed. You get to keep 1400 calories as a new energy source for your body. Your metabolism will have slowed down, thanks to menopause, and you will only burn off about 600 of those 2000 calories.

But don’t think that restricting calorie intake is the menopause weight solution. Far from it! In fact, if you do restrict what the body is accustomed to, it will think famine has set in and slow your metabolism even more.

So, lots of food is on the diet regimen, but it has to be good food. The best menopause weight solution is to go talk to a nutritionist, so you can learn how to make better food choices.

Related article:
Menopause weight loss advice.