Menopause Weight Gain - Watch Your Diet

Menopause weight gain is closely related to our diet. Even if you eat everything without any problems before menopause now you may experience some trouble. Your body reacts to the same food differently, so you may feel bloated or sluggish or have ingestion problems. If you feel your body behaves differently now you are not alone. Check this article I found:

Menopause Weight Gain - Are You Bloated and Sluggish?
At Menopause, our body goes through changes, that can cause a list of symptoms, including menopause weight gain.
But if you are in good shape, have always watched your diet, and had no problems until this "special time", then you may need to tweak your routines.
It only makes sense that if our bodies are going through changes, then our routines will likely have to change as well. Personally, I found all of a sudden certain foods did not digest as well as they did. Foods that I have eaten all my life, are now causing indigestion. I quizzed a few friends and found the same answers with them.
So, before you start reaching for those antacids, go to the doctor, get that long overdue checkup, and make sure all your systems are "go", since there are many health issues that can strike at this age, such as thyroid problems, and gall bladder issues. If you get the all clear, then try listening to your body. It will definitely tell you what it doesn't like.
In my case, I suddenly could not digest beef. I have eaten beef all my life, raised with the Sunday family dinners with Roast Beef and all the trimmings, and suddenly I can't digest it without pain or indigestion. Instead of reaching for antacids that will just mask the problem, I decided to stay away from beef for awhile with some surprising results.
I guess my body had not liked digesting certain foods, especially beef for a about a year, because around that time my blood pressure started to rise, and I was bloated, and sluggish all the time. My doctor wanted me on blood pressure meds, but we decided to go the diet route to begin with. I saw a dietician, who said to me, "if you need to take antacids or digestive aids to digest a certain food (in my case beef) then maybe your body doesn't want it right now".
I came away from it, and concentrated on other proteins, like chicken, fish, eggs and nuts, and that was all I changed. One month later I am down 5 pounds, without really trying, and my blood pressure dropped 15 points down to normal. I was totally shocked, and so was my doctor. I no longer felt sluggish or bloated.
So, if you are having trouble with menopause weight gain, take a closer look at your diet, are some foods not sitting as well as they use to?. Are you just eating them out of habit?.. Do you find high fat snack foods cause indigestion?.. Then listen to your body and make some changes. Don't just mask the problems, they will only get worse and possibly come out as other symptoms, as with me and my blood pressure, menopause weight gain, and sluggishness. You are in charge of your own health, listen to your body.
Click here and get your menopause under control and feel great. Article and website by Diane Palmer.
The best way to solve the problems is to implement healthy diet to help your body to adjust to new situation and to fight menopause belly fat.