Menopause Weight Gain - How To Lose Menopause Waistline?

Looking around the web I found the article with some more tips on menopause weight gain you may be interested in. I've pasted it below for you to check out yourself. By now you might know that my solution to menopause weight gain is exercise and healthy diet. This is what worked for me, so it should work for you as well. This article just confirms what I believe in.

Menopause Weight Gain - Is Your Waistline Expanding?
Menopause weight gain, is the number one complaint within my circle of women friends and family (Hot flashes were second!) Yet weight gain at this special time, seems to be expected and accepted as a natural process, but why?
Why accept it?. There may not be much we can do about hot flashes, and other symptoms that seem to come out of now where, but we can control the menopause weight gain.
The key, I found, was to change up your exercise routine and diet. Your body is going through changes of its own, so what worked for you before, probably no longer works now. You hear women, going on about weight gain, when they haven't changed much in their diet and blaming it on menopause. Actually menopause gets the blame for many unexplainable symptoms.
But, have you also noticed, that maybe you don't sleep as well, and you are tired and cranky, and therefore pickup that extra snack or treat, a few extra lattes here and there to get you through your day? Then too tired to exercise, and this all adds up to weight gain, no matter what stage in life you are in!
If you do exercise, and you have a certain routine, now is the time to change it up. If you walk all the time, try adding a minute of jogging or trotting, or what I call "wogging" which is very fast walking. Get your heart up a little bit, then walk again, then jog again. If you walk outside, try jogging between telephone poles, then walk for the next one.
By adding these extra blips of cardio you will notice that your mood becomes a little brighter, you feel a bit more energized after your workouts, and your waistline will shrink.
Start looking at those 100 calorie snack packs out there, and if you must eat after 7 pm, eat only one of those 100 calorie pop corns, or treats and nothing else. Go through your day, and cut back on any sugary snacks.. they will just make you want more in an hour or two and make you feel sluggish. But personally I found adding some more cardio and zing to my workouts, helped me get rid of that menopause weight gain, and as a side effect, have a better outlook on this stage in my life.
Click here for tips on dealing with menopause symptoms, and find out how to feel great! Article and website by Diane Palmer.
Menopause weight gain is easier to deal with when you have the right approach. Really, how badly do you want to get rid of your menopausal fat? Your reasons can either make it or break it.