Find The Best Way To Lose Weight During Menopause

What is the best way to lose weight during menopause? If that's what you are looking for you've set yourself quite an auspicious goal. Menopause is a difficult time with its own special difficulties, but one of the most confounding elements for most women trying to find teh best way to lose weight during menopause is that the body wants to keep it even more so than before! Gaining as much knowledge about your efforts will go a long way towards helping you achieve your goal.

Why Is It So Difficult To Find The Best Way To Lose Weight During Menopause?

For one thing, menopause is a signal to the body that certain functions are no longer needed. Obviously, that involves the reproductive elements. Fat stored prior to menopause was the subcutaneous type and is used primarily for fuel storage and protection of the organs. When famine was imminent, the subcutaneous fat (it’s the fat layer closest to the skin) was readily used for fuel and keeping the organs warm. Fat contains the hormone estrogen, which is a vital hormone for female reproduction.

After menopause, the need to protect the reproductive organs is no longer as necessary. The fat that develops after menopause is visceral fat, the kind that develops under the abdominal wall, in the peritoneal cavity. It’s function is quite different from subcutaneous fat.

Let’s face it, all machines break down after awhile and our bodies are highly tuned, highly functioning machines. We have a system in place that creates an end, a self-limiting physical process that slows us down and brings life to its conclusion. Visceral fat plays in important role in that process.

Visceral fat affects the liver by infiltrating the portal vein to it and sending fatty acids into it, which results in raised triglycerides, which leads to cholesterol—and not the good kind! Visceral fat is linked in this way to coronary artery disease and the development of type 2 diabetes.

Now you understand why it is so important to find the best way to lose weight during menopause. Since visceral fat is the kind that is developed at and after menopause, instead of subcutaneous fat, it can be assumed that getting rid of visceral fat should become a priority for every aging human being.

Happily, visceral fat responds readily to all-over aerobic exercises like walking. In fact, walking is the first recommendation most doctors will tell you when you ask them how to lose weight during menopause. 30-60 minutes a day of moderately intense exercise is called for, in addition to resistance training twice a week.

To find the best way to lose weight during menopause isn’t the easiest thing to start, but once you get going, your results will come quickly and you’ll feel better about the whole process. Exercise and a healthy diet will also help with those pesky side effects of menopause and menopause weight gain (like the hot flashes and irritability). Get the best way to lose weight during menopause and you won’t regret it!