Solution To Weight Gain In Menopause

Are you wondering if there is a solution to the weight gain in menopause? You are not alone. Many women when enter menopause are faced with the difficulty of losing weight or maintaining the same weight as before. So what you need to know about weight gain in menopause?

Is Weight Gain In Menopause An Inevitable Fact?

At first glance, weight gain in menopause seams to be a paired factor when a woman goes through menopause. Even women who have a history of eating light will find that the hormonal changes in the body are leading to the onset of extra pounds around the time she goes through menopause. But weight gain in menopause is not an inevitable fact of life, quite the opposite.

Where Lies The Problem To Weight Gain In Menopause

The problem lies partly in the hormonal changes going on in a woman's body and the emotional changes that run concurrent with the change. Some women see menopause as a signal that the end is nearing and this has a depressing effect on the emotional outlook. Depression of emotions can lead to lethargy and lack of interest in activities. Slowing down and not being as active can and often will lead to weight gain and trouble with losing menopausal fat.

It's kind of a mean circle of circumstances. The body starts going through menopause and weight gain becomes an issue. Depression sets in, exacerbating the weight issue, making the woman feel like exercise is futile.

But exercise and proper diet is exactly what she needs at this time to ameliorate the effects of weight gain in menopause! Round and round she goes.

Weight Gain In Menopause Is Not Going To Disappear On Its Own

Getting off the not-so-merry-go-round is completely up to each individual woman. To end the cycle, a woman needs to monitor two things:
- food intake and
- activity.

In spite of the lethargy and depression that may set in, it is important that she gets up and starts moving. Activity levels tend to decrease as we get older, and this is exactly the opposite of what is called for.

What To Eat To Avoid Weight Gain In Menopause

About food, menopause and weight gain

Since the hormones are in a state of flux during menopause, a woman needs to look at the nutritional value of the food she eats. She needs to be aware of how much and what kinds of foods she ingests, with an eye towards replacing depleted nutrients and the building block foods of her hormones.

Foods that are high in phytoestrogens, such as cherries, pomegranates, dates, apples, eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, soy, yams, oats, eggplant-these are all high in phytoestrogens which will replace the necessary hormones that are declining during menopause.

Be sure to include good sources of antioxidants, calcium, B6 and B12. Fresh vegetables and fruits are your best bet. And, of course, plenty of water just keeps things lubricated.

How Lack Of Excercising Affects Weight Gain In Menopause

About exercise, menopause and weight gain

One of the best ways to end depression is exercise. Oxygenating the blood and brain through exercise will have a wondrous effect upon attitude, not to mention strengthening the bones and muscles. A better attitude will lead to more activity. More activity will cut down on both the effects of menopause and weight gain.

Exercise will also relieve some of the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, leaving a woman feeling better about the whole process. Of course, weight loss in the abdominal region-where menopausal weight gain tends to occur-is a benefit of exercise.

Walking is the easiest form of exercise to start out, if you are not already a regular at exercise. However, some women already experience joint pain by the time menopause sets in, so swimming would be the next best choice. Along with aerobic exercise, a resistance-training program should also be incorporated.

The benefits of exercise are multiple. Besides mood elevation and tension reduction, bone loss (osteoporosis) is avoided, hormonal balance is restored and lean muscle replaces the fat. Keeping a strong body throughout the golden years is the key to beating weight gain in menopause.