Weight Gain During Menopause - Is It Avoidable?

It may come as a surprise to you, but weight gain during menopause is completely avoidable. At the onset of menopause, it is not unusual for two-thirds of women to put on around twenty or so pounds. Some more, some less, of course, but for some, weight gain during menopause does not happen at all.

Generally, at menopause, a change occurs in the body that makes losing weight tougher. But being knwoledgeable on the situation is like armor—you are prepared to do battle, if you know what is causing the problem. You see, between a slowed metabolism and an increase in insulin resistance, weight gain during menopause is practically guaranteed.

Instead of properly burning off extra calories, a woman’s body at menopause wants to burn less and store more of it. It also begins to store those extra calories as fat in a place quite different than the usual. Instead of storing fat subcutaneously—just under the skin—fat is now stored under the abdominal wall, in amongst the body’s organs, where it is more dangerous than ever. Visceral fat, as it is called, directly interferes with the natural functions of the organs.

Is it possible to avoid weight gain during menopause? The answer is a resounding, yes!

1. In the first place, be careful about calorie restriction. When your body senses it is getting less food, it interprets the situation as famine, and starts to hang on to every last ounce of fat it can. Do some practical testing by reducing your calories only slightly and see where that gets you. If you lose weight, you might try another slight reduction. But if you stop losing, you’ll know your body has gone into starvation mode. There will be no more weight loss until you correct that situation.

2. They say “water is life.” There’s a very good reason for this. If you compare our bodies to an automobile, with food being the fuel for the car—then water is like the oil in the car. It keeps things cool and lubricated and running efficiently, burning our fuel in optimal ranges—literally. When you are dehydrated, the first thing that will happen is constipation. So, drink lots of water and keep things flowing smoothly.

3. It would be great to speak with a nutritionist about a proper diet plan to avoid weight gain during menopause, but if that’s not possible, there are plenty of resources out there to guide you in preparing a meal plan to avoid weight gain during menopause. Do your homework. Avoid refined foods, convenience foods, and try to go fresh and organic as much as possible. Eat more fruits and vegetables and reduce your dependance on white flour.

4. Exercise—now, you knew we were going to have to mention that… right? If you already have an active exercise routine, you probably will never even see those 20 or so pounds we mentioned at the beginning. The metabolism of menopausal women tends to slow down, but if you are already exercising, you’re already ahead of the game. If not, you know what you need to do. Just walking 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week is an excellent goal to start out with for avoiding the dreaded weight gain during menopause.

It is not impossible to evade weight gain during menopause. Common sense, a little determination, the right food and activity, and you’re well-armed for this battle.

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