Lose Weight With Menopause Weight Solution

Menopause weight solution is what many women after 40 are searching for. They're trying to fight menopausal weight beside other menopause related symptoms. Sometimes it feels like trying to fight windmills. Many wish there is some simple menopause weight solution that could make the menopausal weight disappear forever. For some women the weight gain in menopause is very hard to accept and they are determine to find menopause weight solution that works.
Some of the reason to weight gain in menopause are the lifestyle changes we go through when we get older. Women become less active with age because work often becomes less physically demanding and there are no kids around to run after. With experiencing many other symptoms related to menopause (hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, mood swings and more), women tend to lack the energy needed to stay active. This lack of activity it's what adds to the weight gain in menopause. When you're not active you're more likely to eat more, which results in fat accumulation. Some menopausal weight gain is due to the change in the way metabolism works and decrease in muscle mass. When you lose muscle mass your metabolic rate slows down, resulting in the inability to burn calories like it did when you were younger.
When in menopause women stop ovulating her monthly periods end. This is happening because of women body produces much lower level of female hormone estrogen, which is responsible for ovulation process. Tests done on animals prove that low estrogen cause weight gain in animals, so this is most certain the reason why women bodies change shape in menopause.
Trying to find the menopause weight solution that really works seams sometimes impossible, but it doesn't have to be. What you have to do is to look at the big picture. Every woman is different and with so many elements involved in weight gain in menopause you have to be prepared to try different options in order to see what is working for you. Read More...